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High Impedance Faults Modeling in Electrical Power Distribution Networks

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Abstract (2. Language): 
High impedance fault (HIF) is an undesirable electrical contact between an energized conductor and a non-conducting object such as tree limbs, concrete walls and different ground surfaces. Besides public hazards, HIF increases power dissipation and may endanger network equipment. Detection of this fault by common protective devices existing in electrical power distribution systems is particularly difficult, because its occurrence causes only a small increase in load current which is usually below the detection level of such protective devices. Thus, conventional over-current protective devices cannot reliably detect HIFs. Although various protection schemes and detectors have been proposed to confront this fault, HIF detection is still remains an unsolved problem in power distribution level. The scope of this paper is to find a more accurate HIF modeling in order to achieve a better approximation of power system transient response in its faulted state, which is dramatically useful in developing or improving HIF detection algorithms and equipment. In this paper, a HIF arises from falling a tree on a medium voltage distribution network conductor is accurately modeled by two series time-varying resistors in EMTP/EMTP Works. Eventually, the simulation results of the proposed HIF model are compared with experimental results in order to examine the validity and accuracy of the proposed model.



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