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Applicability of Standard Penetration Test in Bangladesh and Graphical Representation of SPT-N Value

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Site exploration and estimation of soil attributes are key parts of a geotechnical outline process. Geotechnical engineers must focus the normal qualities and variability of soil properties. In-situ testing is turning out to be progressively essential in geotechnical engineering, as basic laboratory tests may not be solid while more advanced lab testing can be drawn out and exorbitant. One of in-situ testing examples is the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). SPT is utilized to recognize soil type and stratigraphy alongside being a relative measure of quality. SPT is a settled technique for to determine soil properties, for example, bearing capacity, liquefaction and so forth. Various types of tests are being used around the world, institutionalization is essential with a specific end goal to encourage the examination of results from diverse examinations. The nature of the test relies on upon a few elements, including the real energy conveyed to the drill rod, the dynamic properties of the drill rod, the properties of the soil, the strategy for penetrating and the steadiness of the borehole. As per the inaccessibility of hardware, furthermore monetary and time restrictions in an undertaking project, correlations may be used to gauge the geotechnical parameters from the values obtained from the in-situ tests. One of the critical parameters is bearing capacity of the soil which could be assessed from standard entrance test.



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