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An Analysis of Steady Convective MHD Fluid Flow in Parallel Vertical Semi-Infinite Plates with Constant Magnetic Field

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Abstract (2. Language): 
An investigation of MHD stokes free convection of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid between two vertical parallel semi-infinite plates subjected to a homogenous magnetic field has been done. The effect of a uniform magnetic field directed perpendicularly to the plates on the dynamic behavior of the fluid is studied. One plate is rigid, porous and fixed along the y axis while the other plate is placed at a distance h from the y axis and impulsively started in the flow direction. Further, a study on how Prandtl number and Hartman Number affect velocity and temperature profiles is carried out. The velocity profiles and temperature distribution are governed by a coupled set of continuity, momentum and energy equations. The generated equations have been solved numerically by the central finite difference approximations. The results obtained are discussed and presented both in tabular and graphical form. An increase in Hartmann is found to cause a decrease in velocity profile while an increase in Prandtl leads to a fall in temperature distribution. These results are found to merge with the physical situation of the flow.



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