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Simulation of Physiological Function of the Kidney in Filtering Blood Sodium Parameter by Micro and Nano Technologies: A Review

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The main function of the kidney is filtration of the plasma, removal and excretion of unwanted substances from the filtrate in the urine and restoration of needed substances from the filtrate in the blood. These operations are essential since they maintain the volume of intracellular and extracellular fluids and ions should be maintained in a low range. If kidney cannot do their regular job, several ions and fluid will be accumulated in the extracellular. Forms of dialysis, despite successful improvement in quality of lives of the individuals, have several limitations. This may be due to unphysiologic nature of dialysis treatment. As regards sodium is the main osmole in the extracellular fluid (ECF) that disposal or retention of this element mainly determines the volume of extracellular fluid and the ECF volume should be maintained on an acceptable level in the body in order to maintain tissue perfusion. Therefore, a variety of methods include: nanotechnology, microfluidic, bioreactors, and the systems based on optical tweezers for treatment of renal failure are presented in this review that they are developed according to: removing and reabsorbing sodium of the blood, wearable or cultivable, their function is the same as kidneys, and etc.



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