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Framework of Building Engineering Standards with International Recognition

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this scientific article, reader is exploring the first-rate framework of building engineering standards with feature of international recognition if needed. This article shows clear and easy steps for creating and writing standards. Specialist who creates and writes standards will find what he is looking for in this article on how to plan, build, develop, re-engineer standards. This article is a guideline that makes sure all written standards are according to international way of building standards.



[1] The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, "Standards & Certification," ASME, New York, 2015.
[2] D. C. Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Third Edition ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997.
[3] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, "A Guide to Writing World Class Standards," ETSI, Sophia Antipolis CEDEX – FRANCE, 2013.
[4] ISO (International Organization for Standardization), "," ISO (International Organization for Standardization), [Online]. Available: [Accessed 22 08 2015].

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