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Numerical Study of the Influence of the Excitons Level in Semiconductors Supply of a Network VPLS IP/MPLS

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Abstract (2. Language): 
IP technology (Internet Protocol) formerly used only as part of the Internet, is today the carrier for many other applications such as the superior search. This use of the standard has led to a desire to pool in the heart of the network. Today, the Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) protocol of the OSI data link layer is one solution among those proposed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) to improve IP routing. The MPLS had initially intended to improve the IP routing is much used for services can offer: Quality of Service, Traffic Engineering and Virtual Private Network. The motivation in this work is two-fold: supply of our universities by cells and the study of the possibilities of interconnection of our higher schools. We propose the addition of technology VPLS. However, to ensure the continuous supply of this VPLS IP/MPLS network, it is necessary to move towards the photovoltaic way to compensate for possible power cuts operator of the electricity grid.



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