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On Phase-I of Statistical Control of Thermoforming Process of Decorative Parts of an Automobile Approaching Profile

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Abstract (2. Language): 
When a process is controlled statistically approaching profile monitoring, it really addresses practitioners are not concerned traditionally with measurement on a single quality specification or a vector of quality specification. In many real cases it is possible to model a process performance by a functional relationship. This advanced approach of statistical process control is referred to as profile monitoring. Really profile monitoring is referred to as summarizing the quality of a process/ product by a functional relationship. This paper investigates the phase-I of statistical process control for the “thermoforming process” of fender (splash guard) of an automobile manufacturing n Iran named Samand using profile approach. This research indicates the parameters of regression provided by phase-I of statistical process control, are capable to make the opportunity to monitor the process in phase II of statistical control effectively.



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