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Nanofluids in Liquid Cooling System: Mathematical Model and Effect on Efficiency

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Effects on efficiency for using Nanofluids in a liquid cooling system is investigated. A Mathematical model is established for a closed system in which the coolant liquid flows in an enclosed tube while exchanging heat with the tube’s wall. The mathematical model predicts the rate of cooling and is equally valid for both laminar and turbulent flow. The model was tested with data for both, water based Tio2 and water based Al203 Nanofluids. Under the specified test conditions, the model predicts an 39.87% increase in the rate of cooling for Tio2 and an 36.79% increase in the rate of cooling for Al203. The result obtained in the case of Al203 is consistent with the experimental value 40%, which was obtained for the same test conditions by C. T. Nguyena, & Co, in 2007. Such an increase in rate of cooling can make liquid cooling system extremely helpful in the defence sector where overheating issues in weapons like rocket launcher causes discomfort and forces the operator to take periodic breaks to cool down the launcher. Highlights:  A model for Nanofluids in forced convention closed system tubular flow is proposed.  37% to 40% increase in efficiency was predicted for TiO2 & Al2O3 Nanofluids (under optimal conditions).  Model was tested with data from experiment by C. T. Nguyena, & Co for Al2O3 Nanofluids.  The obtained value 36.79% deviated from the experimental value 40% by less than 8%.



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