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Determining Optimal Time of Use Tariff Considering Demand Response Model

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Abstract (2. Language): 
One of the most widely used demand response programs is Time of Use (TOU) pricing. Using proper tariffs for different load periods (peak, off-peak and middle periods) is vitally important for the implementation of TOU program. A suitable pricing should result in both the modification of load curve and customer satisfaction. In this paper, using modeling customer’s reaction to tariffs, two new methods for optimal pricing of TOU program are proposed. The objectives of the proposed model are minimizing the customer costs and the maximizing the load factor. In this regard, given the maximum and minimum production costs for different periods, the optimal tariff for each period is determined through solving an optimization problem. The obtained results can clearly show the behavior of customers to the proposed tariffs and its effect on the load curve. The results of this study can help policy makers to consider the more suitable tariffs for TOU program in future.



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