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Analysis on New Methods for Hardness of Power Grids and Energy Storing Using Capacitors and Batteries in Handling Electromagnetic Frequency

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This paper concentrates on analysis and handling of electromagnetic frequency control using the science of enriching and compacting energy. In fact, systems get weak facing these disturbances, this is because of photovoltaic solar and wind resources in energy generation. In this sort of energy generation in power systems, the type of wind farm or number of turbines next to each other has great percentage of energy which is generated using hardness-less generators. The frequency varies while using these generators. This is because when using hardness-less generators, it reduces frequency fluctuations. In these conditions, automatic programming is essential. This will even result in blackout. By the way, using much automatic load elimination is for having back the power balance and it also prevents frequency failure, simultaneously, it will carry multiple consequences. Storing energy in cells results in a great decrease in other types of energy such as photovoltaic solar cells and wind turbine. And with the usage of renewable energy resources, the vitality of the usage of cells for storing energy will be considered significant. From these cells or the other storing resources, storing capacitors can be remarked which play a significant role. Experiments and other results disclose the on-time and right operation of capacitors and the necessity of their use well. In other approach, it is illustrated that this can be performed with a less percentage of trust on other energy storing resources and methods and opts for appropriate choice after comparing their dynamic operations. This paper investigates the storing and energy using capacitors and supporting the handling of electromagnetic frequency in Khuzestan, Iran. In further part of the paper, load reduction factors and the utilized structure "Rocof" and the usage of energy storage, will be discussed.



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