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Physical and Chemical Evaluation of Geophagic and Cosmetic Clays from Southern and Western Nigeria: The Health Implications

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The use of geophagic and cosmetic clays is a common practice in both rural and urban areas of Nigeria mostly due to tradition and medicinal reasons. There is a need to analyze the components of these clays purposely for their public health value and safety. This study determined the prevalence of use, the physical characteristics and chemical properties of geophagic and cosmetic clays to ascertain the impacts of their constituents. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data on mining, geophagic and cosmetic uses of the clays. Samples of clay were collected from mining and market sites and taken to the laboratory for analysis. Organic and moisture content estimation, colour determination, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable cations, pH, total elemental composition, heavy metal analysis, radiation estimation were done using standard methods. The clay colour ranged from dark grey to white most samples being acidic at pH values between 2.7 and 5.3. The mean cation exchange capacity value was 19.20 ± 0.01 meq/100 g.). Some of the clay samples are rich in Fe with considerable amount of other elements such as K, Ni, Cu and Zn. Lead had high values above allowable limits of 0.06 ppm across all the samples. Gamma (γ) radiation was 2.64 x 10-8± 0.04 mSv/hr, α+β+γ (7.61 x 10-8± 0.03 mSv/hr) and β+γ (-1.5 X 10-8± 0.1 mSv/hr. The organic matter values were between 9.25% in Em and 17.15% in CCB. Moisture content was generally low in most samples with a wide range values below 0.71% in EG and 11.75% in CCB. The geophagic and cosmetic clays in this study could be sources of micronutrient supply; however, the clays could also cause health issues due to heavy metal contamination.



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