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Quantized Compressed Sensing for FPCG Signals

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As the fPCG signals are widely used to monitor the condition of the fetus health, it needs to be save or transmit with lower costs; thus the compression of fPCG with Compress Sensing (CS) method is a beneficial method to reach this purpose. As the fPCG signal is not spares in time domain, it should be brought to another orthogonal space. Because of the structured sparsity in this new space, the used CS method should be adapted to the fPCG signal’s conditions which lead to the Shuffled CS (S-CS) method. In this article we innovate and develop the Quantized S-CS (QS-CS) method to improve the compression rate of the S-CS. As the reconstruction process is a convex optimization problem, it extremely limits the quantization noise in QS-CS. The simulation results show that the proposed QS-CS method, along with providing a greater CR, has equivalent reconstruction performance to the primer S-CS method.



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