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The Effect of Educational Evaluation Models and Dimensions of Knowledge Management on Organizational Agility in the Petrochemical Industry

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The realization and development requires a highly-qualified workforce education and development of immersive without having an educated and civilized people is not possible. The process of training and development is essential activities and follow-up to the implementation of human resources with the changing conditions and environments. And training is tools, which by techniques and different methods assist managers in managing organizations. The aim of this analysis of the role of educational evaluation after completing a four-level in-service training in line with the agility dimensions of knowledge management is in Hormozgan customs. The method used in this research is descriptive of the type of the variable correlation. The population in this research, petrochemical industry workers, and the sample of 300 people has been set. The findings show that among the four levels of training evaluation in line with the strategy, structure and information technology and organizational agility there is a significant positive relationship. And in the process, people and roles, this relationship does not exist.



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