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Optimization of Nonlinear Systems for Determining the Type of Conductors in the Network and How to Select the Cross-Section of Conductors in Distribution Lines with the Presence of Nonlinear Loads

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Considering the importance of economic decline of losses, a lot of researches about its optimization with the presence of harmonics in the system have been carried out to determine the optimal amount and placement of capacitive banks and how to choose the type and the cross-section of conductors in radial distribution lines in the presence of linear and nonlinear loads simultaneously to solve this problem and to improve the voltage profile in radial distribution networks, in which all the cases mentioned in this paper, has not been considered in previous studies. To this end, an intelligent nonlinear method is presented for solving the problem and the results are compared and reviewed for several sample networks in different states. This method is based on optimization of the objective function and estimating the constraints resulting from limiting the power quality parameters to the permitted levels, determines the optimum capacity and placement of capacitor banks as well as the determination of the types of conductors in the network, taking into account the effects of nonlinear loads. The objective function includes the economic value of the power losses and the cost of capacitors and conductors selected with constraints such as voltage limitation, the maximum allowable current passing through conductors, the total allowable harmonic distortion, capacitors’ capacity, and available and usable conductors. Capacitors and conductors are considered as discrete parameters in this method and due to the low convergence time in the genetic optimization algorithm, this algorithm has been used to solve this optimization problem. The economic loss-optimization software has been written and tested on two sample radial distribution networks in which results show the efficiency of the method and the reduction of losses along with the reduction of the economic cost.



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