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Low Cost Developing for an Existing Dairy Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant to Meet Additional Flows and Loads

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The dairy industry is a major enterprise in Egypt occupying a significant place in food supply. Its wastewater is a huge environmental problem that needs a special treatment. Our study problem occurs from the increase in its wastewater flow from 300 to 650 m3/d, with unavailable land for new extension required for the existing WWTP. A pilot had been used consisted from two parallel lines. First line simulated the existing plant and operated on design flow. The second line simulated the modifications in the existing plant and operated on double of the design flow of the existing for a period of three months. From the study results it can be seen that the applied modifications that proposed to be made on the existing plant by use the plate settlers in both primary and final sedimentation tanks and modifying the entrance of the aeration tank to make it stepped aeration unit instead of conventional one give the ability to meet the additional flow and loads with the same or better criteria for the effluent specially for BOD, COD, TDS, pH & TSS parameters. In general all effluent results are more than enough for the drainage to the city sewerage system but it is above the legal requirements for reuse for irrigation even for Jungle trees due to the Egyptian environmental laws [1]. This means that there is a need for additional treatment by sand filtration if there is a need for reuse for irrigation.



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