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Elaboration of the Articles Portfolio for the Theme: Pathological Manifestations in Structural Masonry

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The works that use the structural masonry represent the majority of the financing of the real estate loan plan of the Caixa Econômica Federal. This system presents itself as an alternative for the conclusion of works with reduced costs, with greater possibilities of profit for the constructors. However, to obtain a satisfactory result, guaranteeing the quality of the buildings, it is necessary the effective control of the components and the execution of the works, following a well elaborated project. Failure to comply with the standards in each of these stages may lead to the appearance of pathological manifestations. Through building inspections, it is possible to identify the causes and origins of constructive problems, with the purpose of proposing actions that would avoid these manifestations. Seeking to identify the state of the art in relation to the exposed theme, this work seeks to identify and study published articles that have as a theme the identification of pathological manifestations in structural masonry by means of property inspections. This work aimed to construct a set of articles related to this topic, so that sufficient knowledge to produce works in this area can be acquired. It was possible to select a relevant article portfolio for consistent scientific research on the proposed topic.



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