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Infusing a Collaborative and Pervasive Approach to Information Literacy at the United States Coast Guard Academy

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Information literacy education creates opportunities for self-directed and independent learning where students become engaged in using a wide variety of information sources to expand their knowledge, construct knowledge, ask informed questions, and increase their critical thinking skills. This approach is evident in the increasingly widespread introduction of student centered constructivist pedagogy such as inquiry based, problem based, and resource based learning. As academic institutions respond to the challenges of developing and enhancing their information literacy initiatives, it is imperative that faculty, librarians, and administrative staff work in collaboration. The paper presents an integrated approach of teaching and assessing information literacy at the United States Coast Guard Academy, with specific examples from the Civil Engineering Program.



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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 6, Issue 62, March 2017 172 Paper ID: 66217-21
ISSN: 2251-8843
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