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Impacts of the Application of Lean Construction to Reduce the Generation of Waste and Improve Processes in Construction

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Considering that the macro-sector of construction produces goods of larger physical dimensions and, therefore, is one of the biggest consumers of natural resources, this paper is about the implementation of lean construction techniques in a construction work to reduce waste generation and improve the efficiency of the construction processes. The purpose of this study is to analyze benefits of applying concepts of Lean Construction in civil construction works. The research method consists in a case study, in which the construction site adopted the principles of Lean Construction. In this work it was found that the implementation of this concept promoted a significant reduction (27%) of waste generation. Furthermore it provided a reduction in the final cost of the project and increased the efficiency of processes. The proposed methodology can be applied on construction sites without burdening the budget and propitiates financial and social gains with a considerable decrease in the impact of construction into the environment.



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