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A Review on the Use of Rice Husk Ash as a Mineral Admixture in High Performance Concrete: Research Opportunities

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This review presents a structured paper selection process for the composition of a bibliographic set to study the use of an agricultural residue, rice husk ash (HRA), as partial replacement of cement in the production of high performance concrete (HPC). The main objective is to identify knowledge gaps that must be explored by researchers studying the influence of the use of this residue on the concrete final properties. Using the ProKnow-C (Knowledge Development Process-Constructivist), 3994 publications eligible to the desired set were initially identified and, after a continuous selection process, 10 papers were selected. The academic relevance was presented through bibliometric analysis and the content of the papers was submitted to systematic analysis according to five research lenses. These lenses are based on the use and properties of the RHA and the HPC properties.



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[18] Le, H. T., Nguyen, S. T. and Ludwig, H.M. (2014) A Study on High Performance Fi-ne-Grained Concrete Containing Rice Husk Ash. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 8, n. 7, 301-307, Dec 2014.
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[20] Van Tuan, N. et al. (2011) Hydration and microstructure of ultra high performance concrete incorporating rice husk ash. Cement and Concrete Research, 41, n. 78, 1104-1111.
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