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Selection Process and Analysis of Bibliographic Set for a Research Involving Carbon Nanotubes Dispersion Using the ProKnow-C

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The carbon nanotubes (CNTs) dispersion in cement composites has been studied due to the contribution in strength improvements of them. Researchers are mostly studying two different kinds of dispersion: either by surfactants or by a prior dispersion of CNTs into particles of cement or other material, which involves non-aqueous environment. Aiming to elaborate an investigation in this subject, the present bibliographical review was developed to select the most aligned material for the dispersion of CNTs in the polycarboxylate and lignosulfonate surfactants and in a non-aqueous solution of isopropanol. The papers were selected and filtered, and those considered most relevant composed the Bibliographic set. In sequence, the articles were analyzed bibliometrically and systematically and determining gaps contained in this subjective. Through the analysis made, contribution opportunities were identified emphasizing the research relevance to the scientific community. Thus, the main contribution of this paper is identified gaps related to the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in cement composites and the consolidated studies to guide future research. The methodology used was Knowledge Development Process - Constructivist (ProKnow-C).



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