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Application of a Meshless CFD Method for a Vertical Slot Fish Pass via 3D Simulation

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Constructing a dam disrupts longitudinal connectivity of a river, changing its ecosystem. Thus, the dams are obstacles which fish are not able to get over and migrate to a successful life cycle. Fish passes become key elements to allow that journey upstream. The design criteria are based on the estimate of flow patterns. The aim of this work is to evaluate a meshless CFD method, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), to simulate the free surface flow in a vertical slot fish pass. Its accuracy is investigated by comparing the velocity field in a scale model test, done in a previous literature, to a 3D SPH simulation conducted with the open source software DualSPHysics. As a result, velocity field of the scale model test compares well with the result of the numerical simulation which concludes that SPH is a promising method for free surface flow simulation in a fish pass.



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