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Anchored Structures: State of Art in Brazil and in the World

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The first application of anchors was in 1880 to reinforce the Cheurfas dam in Algeria. Since then, they have undergone successive evolutions and their applications have become quite frequent in several situations. In Brazil, the first application of anchors in retaining structures was in 1957, at the Rio-Teresópolis highway. The first world standard was published in 1972 in Germany and it was responsible to motivate the publication of the first Brazilian standard in 1975. Since then, mainly motivated by the appearance of new anchors in the market and the change between the limits in the water/cement factor for the cement slurry, the executive procedure have been changed. It is important to understand all the evolution process for the improvement of the current technique. This work aims to present the history and evolution of anchors applications, their constitution, classification and their state of art in Brazil and in the world in the last 40 years. In addition, it highlights the origin of the technical improvements motivated by the development of world engineering.



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International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 7, Issue 72, January 2018 70 Paper ID: 77218-09
ISSN: 2251-8843
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