Comparisson of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene Polymorphisms Elite Basketball Players and Volleyball Players
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- International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Training Sciences
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Abstract (2. Language):
Aim: The purpose of this study is to research the differences of genotype polymorphism between the elite male and elite female basketball player, volleyball player and control group.
Material and Methods: 58 basketball players (ages 24.25±4.99 years, height 188.22±12.31 cm and weight 80.62±16.34 kg), 64 volleyball players (ages 22.82±5.40 years, height 188.67±9.69 cm and weight 77.82±12.14 kg) and 122 sedentary subjects (control group) were participated randomly in the study. 5cc blood was taken control and control groups for measuring the ACE gene polymorphism. Chi-square and analysis of variance (ANOVA), Levene’s Tests, and frequencies of allele were used for statistical evaluation at significance level p<0.05.
Results: There were no significance differences in genotype distribution and allele frequency of the ACE gene between athletes and control group (p>0.05), basketball, volleyball and control group (p>0.05), male basketball, volleyball and control group (p>0.05), female basketball, volleyball and control group (p>0.05) and male and female athletes (p>0.05) respectively. There were no significance differences in male athletes between the genotype distribution and physical performance tests, such as 20m shuttle-run (F=1.31), vertical jump (F=0.22), and 20m sprint test (F=0.44). There were also no significance differences in female athletes between the genotype distribution and physical performance tests, such as 20m shuttle-run (F=2.03), vertical jump (F=0.10), and 20m sprint test (F=1.17).
Conclusion: ACE polymorphism genotype distribution in terms of elite female and male volleyball players with elite female and male basketball players are the same.
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Abstract (Original Language):
,Amaç: Çalışmamızda elit erkek ve bayan basketbolcu ve voleybolcuların ACE genotiplerini ,belirleyerek, kontrol grubu ve sporcuların genotip polimorfizmi bakımdan farklılıklarını a,raştırdık.
Materyal ve Yöntem: Araştırmada 58 elit basketbolcu (yaş 24.25±4.99 yıl, boy 188.22±12.31cm ve kilo 80.62±16.34kg), 64 elit voleybolcu (yaş 22.82±5.40yıl, boy 188.67±9.69cm ve kilo 77.82±12.14kg) ile 122 sedanter denek (kontrol grubu) tesadüfi olarak belirlendi. Denek ve kontrol grubundan 5cc. kan alınarak ACE gen polimorfizmleri belirlendi. Elde edilen değerlerin X2, ANOVA, Levene’s Testi, t testi ve alel frekans dağılımları hesaplandı. Erkek basketbolcu ve voleybolcuların alel frekans yoğunluğu Ki-Kare testi ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Sporcu ve sedanter gruplar arasında (p>0.05), basketbolcu, voleybolcu ve sedanter bireyler arasında (p>0.05), Erkek basketbolcu, voleybolcu ve sedanterler arasında (p>0.05), bayan basketbolcular, voleybocular ve sedanterler arasında (p>0.05) ve erkek ve bayan sporcular arasında (p>0.05) anlamlı bir sonuç bulunmamıştır. Erkek sporcuların genotip özellikleri ile fiziksel performans testleri (20m mekik koşusu (F=1.31), dikey sıçrama (F=0.22), 20m sprint (F=0.44)) arasında herhangi bir ilişki bulunmadı. Bayan sporcularda da genotip özellikleri ile fiziksel performans testleri (20m mekik koşusu (F=2.03), dikey sıçrama (F=0.10), 20m sprint (F=1.17)) arasında herhangi bir ilişki bulunmadı.
Sonuçlar: Elit bayan ve erkek basketbolcular ile elit bayan ve erkek voleybolcuların ACE polimorfizmi bakımından genotip dağılımları aynıdır.
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