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PARTNERSHIP AND COLLABORATION IN RESEARCH: Towards Achieving Gender Equity in Higher Education

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The project on Gender Equity in Commonwealth Higher Education was initiated by the Institute of Education, University of London, conducted from April, 2003 to December, 2005 and funded by the Department of International Development and the Carnegie Foundation. The Project Coordinator was Professor Louise Morley and senior university academics from Nigeria. South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uganda participated with assistance from other researchers. The project examined gender equity interventions in access, curriculum and staff development. It targeted two Millennium Goals: Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Partnerships between rich and poor countries. The paper describes how regular communication, meetings in respective countries, adaptation of research instruments to suit country contexts, common scheduling of activities and guidance and monitoring by the Project Coordinating Team enabled research partners to;  make a significant contribution to knowledge on gender equity in higher education,  enhance research capacity of junior researchers,  disseminate study findings,  raise awareness and initiate follow-up action on gender issues in higher education among policy makers and authorities and  to promote multicultural understanding and the impact of cultures on gender equity in higher education.



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in Higher Education in Sri Lanka, Open University Press, Nawala, 2005.
Jayaweera, S. (1985). Women and Education. In UN Decade for Women. Progress and
Achievements of Women in Sri Lanka Centre for Women's Research, Colombo.
Karunaratne, C. (1996). Women in University Management, Proceedings of the 4th
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Karunaratne, C. (1999). Women in University Management, Proceedings of the 5th
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(Unpublished), Colombo.
Gunawardena, C., Rasanayagam, Y., Leitan, T., Bulumulle, K., and Abeysekera V. D., A.
(2003). Working Paper One: Setting the Scene (Sri Lanka) (Unpublished)
Gunawardena, C., Rasanayagam, Y., and Leitan, T., (2003). Working Paper Two: The
Policy Context (Sri Lanka)
Gunawardena, C., Rasanayagam, Y., Leitan, T., Bulumulle, K., and Abeysekera V. D., A.
(2003). Working Paper Three: The Case Study University (Sri Lanka) (Unpublished)
Gunawardena, C., Rasanayagam, Y., Leitan, T., Bulumulle, K., and Abeysekera V. D., A.
(2003). Working Paper Four: Data Analysis I (Sri Lanka) (Unpublished)
Gunawardena, C., Rasanayagam, Y., Leitan, T., Bulumulle, K., and Abeysekera V. D., A.
(2003). Working Paper Five: Data Analysis II, Interviews in the University of Colombo (Sri
Lanka) (Unpublished)
Gunawardena, C., Rasanayagam, Y., Leitan, T., Bulumulle, K., and Abeysekera V. D., A.
(2003). Working Paper Six: Research Findings , Achievements and Setbacks (Sri Lanka)

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