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The aim was to determine the effect of web-based educational experience on nursing students’ Internet use and their attitudes toward web-based education and the correlation between these two. This study is planned as semi-experimental in a single group pretest-posttest patter. Population and sample of the study consist of all nursing students studying at a nursing faculty in the academic year 2011-2012 and taking Web-based Patient Education course in the fall term (n: 164). It was carried out with the participation of 158 volunteer students. A questionnaire form, the Internet Use Attitude Scale, and the Web-based Education Attitude Scale was utilized to obtain data for the research. SPSS version 11.5 was used for data analysis. It was found out those students’ average score for attitude toward Internet use was 108.59 ± 15.79 at the beginning of web based education while it was 127.27±19.03 at the end of web based education. There was a statistically significant difference between total average scores for attitude toward Internet use at the beginning and end of web based education (t§= .201 p= .015). It was found out that students’ average score for web-based education attitude was 84.62 ± 12.07 at the beginning of web based education while it was 91.15±.75 at the end of web based education. There was a statistically significant difference between total average scores for web-based education attitude at the beginning and end of web based education (t§= 1.050 p= .029). There was a positive correlation at advanced level was determined between their attitudes toward Internet use and web-based education at the beginning and end of web based education (beginning of web based education: r .675 p>0.01 end of web based education: r=.702 p>0.01).



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April, 2016 Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Article: 02 ISSN: 2147-0367
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