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THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF THE SECOND CHANCE SCHOOLS TO FEMALE ATTENDANCE: Views and Perceptions of Women Trainees, Opportunities and Prospects

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this pilot qualitative research is to investigate the role and importance of Second Chance Schools (SCS) in the course of women trainees’ attendance. In particular, the subject of the research which was carried out through online interviews in social networking medium (Facebook) using questionnaires and interviews is to highlight the attitude of women trainees regarding their study experience in SCS as well as the perspective on distance learning during their educational pathway in SCS. The interest of this research is that for the first time what is investigated is the role of SCS as well as their importance to the education of women and the views and perceptions on issues related to their reintegration into the educational system. Also for the first time the present investigation shows the incentives of women reconnection with the school, which stem from the early school leaving in the teens and their expectations which for the majority of women trainees are to broaden their horizons (cognitive, social, professional). A significant contributor to this effort apart from the family environment for the majority of women turned out to be the school teachers. The possibility of distance learning is a key question for future research since it is a perspective that can facilitate the smooth progress of women trainees’ attendance.



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