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Value of visseral fat index as a predictor of cardiovascular risk status in obese women

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship betvveen visseral fat İndex (VFI) and risk factors in obese (body mass index > 27 mg/m2) women. Study group is consisted of-1565 obese vvomen. Significant correlations were observed bctween VFI and cholesterol (r=0.1230), tryglyceridc (r-0.2826), HDL-chofestcrol (r=0.Û836), systolic bîood pressure (r=0.4166), di-astolic blood pressure (r=0.4367), uric acid (r=1886), glucose (r=0.1849), log insülin (r=2856), log HOMA (r-0.2699), BMI (r=0.8182), waist-hip ratio (r=0.6527) and vvaist circumference (r-0.9982) levels (p for HDL-cholesterol 0.0068, for others 0.0001). VFI was significantly higher in subjects with hypercholesterolemia ıhan that found in normocholesterolcmics (47.46+6.24 and 45.96±6.06, respectively), in subjects with hypertriglyceridemia than that found İn normotriglyceridemis (49.59+6.75 and 45.95+5.79, respectively), İn subjects with hypertension tiıan that found İn normotensives (48.94+6.32 and 44.63+4.99, respectively), in subjects with diabetes mellitus than that found in normoglycemİcs (51.53±5.76 and 46.45±6.I1, respectively), in subjects with hyperuricemia than that found in normourİccmia (49.59+6.54 and 46.32±6.08, respetively), in subjects with hyperinsulinemia than that found normomsulİnemia (47,97+6.18 and 45.55±5.65, respectively), and in subjects with lowcr HDL-cholesterol levels that found in normal HDL-cholesteroîemia (47,11+6.05 and 46.30+6.37, respectively) (p valucs for HDL-cholesteol 0.037, and others 0.001). It İs conelu-ded that VFI might be used for defermining visceral obesity associated with metabolic abnor-malities that most of them are cardiovascular risk factors.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışma şişman kadınlarda vİseral yağ indeksi ("visceral fat index", VFI) ile çeşitli kardiyo-vasküler risk faktörleri arasındaki ilişkileri araştırmak amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışma kapsamına 1566 şişman (vücut kitle indeksi, BMI> 27 kg/m2) kadın alındı. Hastalarda VFI ile kolesterol (r=0.I230), trigliseriL (r=0.2826), HDL-kolesterol (r= 0.0836), maksimum damar basıncı (r= 0.4166), minimum damar basıncı (r= 0.4367), ürik asit (ı- 0,1886), glukoz (n= 1849), log insü-liii (r= 0.2856), log HOMA (r=0.2699), BMI (r=0.8182), bel/kaiça oranı (WHR, r=0.6527) vc bel çevresi (r=0.9982) arastnda anlamlı ilişkiler saptanmadı (p HDL-kolesterol için 0.0068, diğerleri 0.0001), VFI, kolesterol {47.45+6.24 ve 45.69+6.06), trigliserit (49.59+6.75 ve 45.95+5.79), damar basıncı (48.94±6.32 ve 44.63+4.99), glukoz (51.53+5.76 ve 46.45±6.11), ürik asit (49.59+6.54 ve 46.32+6.08) ve insülin (47.97+6.18 ve 45.55±5.65) düzeyi yüksek olanlarda v HDL-kolesterol düzeyi düşük olanlarda (47.11 ±6.05 ve 46.30±6.37) normal olanlara göre yüksek bulundu (p değeri HDL-kolesterol 0.037, diğerleri için 0.001). VFI, çeşitli risk gruplarında yüksek bulunmakta ve insülin direnci ile İlişki göstermektedir. Bu nedenle VFI nin risk taşıyan viseral şişman hastaların saptanmasında yararlı olabileceği düşünülmektedir.



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