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Abstract (2. Language): 
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of thc Breast Mctastatic to the Thyroid Gland. A of tlıyroid metastases from invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast seven years after right radical modifi-cd masteetomy is presented. Metastasis of breast carcinoma to thyroid is rare. A 47-year- old female patienl wİth thyroid mass and redness on the neck who considered to have subacute thyroiditis was hospitalized. Fine needle aspİration eytology from thyroid gland showed no atypical tumor ceiJs. After two wceks of aııtibioterapy the clinical condition of the patient was not improved. Patient underwent surgery and frozen section revealed a malignant tumor and total thyroidectomy was performed. The histopathologic diagnosis was carcinoma, compaıible with thc nıetastasis from invasive ductal carcinoma of breast. Immunostaining of the tumor showed no İmınunoreactivity to thyroglobulin while estrogen receptors were positive. Patİcnt with prevİous lıistory of malignant disease and present with
Abstract (Original Language): 
Tiroide malign hastalıkların metastazı nadir görülmektedir. Bu makalede, tiroid bezine metastaz yapmış bir meme kanseri olgusu sunuldu. Yedi yıl önce invaziv duklal meme kanseri nedeniyle modİfıye radikal mastektomi yapılan hasta, subakut süpüralif tiroidİt bulgularıyla kliniğimize başvurdu. Araştırmalar sonucu metastatik tiroid karsinomu saptanan hastaya total tiroi-dektomi yapıldı. Meme tümörü geç dönemde tiroid bezine metastaz yapabilir. Tİroid fonksiyon testleri geuelikle normaldir ve subakut tiroidit bulguları ile ortaya çıkabilirler. Bilinen herhangi bir malignitesi olan hastada tiroid bezinde hızlı büyümelerde primer tiroid kanserinden çok, tiroid bezine metastaz düşünülmelidir ve erken cerrahi uygulanmalıdır.



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İnvaziv Duktal Meme Karsinomunuıı Tiroide Metastazı: Olgu Sunumu
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