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Abstract (2. Language): 
Cholesterol crystal embolization syndrome is a syndrome which is particularly seen in atherosclerotic old patients and may affect multiple organs. There is no specific treatment for this syndrome. Therefore, early diagnosis and prevention are essential. It is highly likely that this syndrome will be seen commonly in the future, because of increasing risky population and invasive procedures. Acase of cholesterol crystal embolization syndrome which was seen in association with commonly used invasive procedures, but not diagnosed at the same rate, was reported.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Kolesterol kristal embolisi sendromu, özellikle aterosklerozu olan yafll› hastalarda görülen ve birçok organ› etkileyebilen bir hastal›kt›r. Özgün bir tedavisi olmamas› nedeniyle, erken tan› ve korunma esast›r. Riskli popülasyonun ve invazif giriflimlerin art›fl› nedeniyle, gelecekte hastal›k ile daha s›k karfl›lafl›lacakt›r. Bu yaz›da, s›kl›¤› geliflen invazif yöntemlere paralel olarak artan, ancak tan›s›- spektrumun genifl olmas› nedeniyle- ayn› oranda artmayan kolesterol embolizasyon sendromu, bir olgu nedeniyle tart›fl›lm›flt›r.



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