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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of magnetic field treatment on phase 2 subacromial impingement syndrome (SIS). Materials and methods: 40 patients with SIS were included in this study. The patients were allocated to three groups: The first group received ultrasound treatment (1,5 watt/cm2, intermittent, for 5 minutes, to subacromial space) + exercises, the second group received magnetic field treatment (between 1-6 days 10 hertz, 35 gauss, between 7- 15 days 20 hertz, 50 gauss) + exercises and the third group just exercised. The patients were not allowed any medical treatment except for paracetamol when needed. Visual analog skale for pain evaluation, ROM and Constant Scoring were used as outcome measurements, before the treatment and three weeks after the treatment. Results: According to the results, a significant improvement was obtained in all groups; however, there were differences in the significancy rates. When comparing the groups with each other, we found out that the improvement rates in the ultrasound group was significantly better than that in the other groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: The results of magnetic field therapy group was not significantly better than those of the exercise group. However the advantages of magnetic field therapy such as easy applicability and lack of adverse effects suggest that this physical therapy modality requires more research in order to prove its efficacy.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac›, toplumda s›kça karfl›lafl›lan ve üretken nüfusu etkilemesi nedeniyle ifl günü ve fonksiyon kayb›na yol açan , evre 2 subakromiyal s›k›flma sendromu (SSS)’nun tedavisinde bir konservatif tedavi yöntemi olan manyetik alan tedavisinin etkinli¤ini araflt›rmak idi. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çal›flmaya, anterior omuz a¤r›s› yak›n›m› olan ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleme tekni¤i ile evre 2 SSS tan›s› konulan 40 hasta al›nd›. Hastalar randomize olarak üç gruba ayr›larak, üç hafta (15 seans) süresince, 1. gruba ultrason (US) (1,5 watt/cm2, pulse, 5 dakika, subakromiyal alana) + egzersiz, 2. gruba manyetik alan (MA) (1-6. seanslar aras› 10 hertz frekans, 35 gauss alan fliddeti, 7.-15. seanslar aras› 20 hertz frekans, 50 gauss alan fliddeti) + egzersiz ve 3. gruba sadece egzersiz uyguland›. Hastalara a¤r› kontrolu için gerekti¤inde parasetamol kullanmalar› önerildi. Hastalar tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonunda (üçüncü haftada), a¤r› için vizuel analog skala, hareket aç›kl›¤› ölçümü ve Constant skorlamas› ile de¤erlendirildiler. Bulgular: Tedavi sonuçlar› de¤erlendirildi¤inde; ultrason uygulanan grupta, iyileflmenin di¤er iki gruba oranla istatistiksel olarak anlaml› oranda daha fazla oldu¤u gözlendi. Sonuç: Manyetik alan uygulamas›n›n, evre 2 SSS’nda ultrason ve egzersiz uygulamalar›na göre bir üstünlü¤ü saptanmad›; ancak uygulama kolayl›¤›, yan etkisinin olmamas› gibi avantajlar› bu fizik tedavi modalitesi üzerindeki araflt›rmalar›n yo¤unlaflt›r›lmas› gerekti¤i kan›s›n› uyand›rd›.



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