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- İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Objectives: The purpose of this trial was to evaluate outcomes of endoscopic findings in patients with partial gastrectomy,
incedence of reflux, ulcer, and malignancy.
Materials and methods: The records of one hundred and sixty eight patients with gastric resection were evaluated
Results: One hundred and sixty eight patients (131 males, 37 females with mean age of 57 years, range 30-85) had
gastric operation. 77 patients (45.8%) had alkaline reflux gastritis, 58 (34.5%) gastritis , 13 (7.8%) ulcer in the anastomosis
line, 4 (2.4%) malignancy, and one (0.58%) polip.
Conclucion: The most common endoscpic finding was alcalen reflux gastritis. We evaluated incidence of malignancy
as 2.4%, this ratio was higher than all our gastroscopic malignancy finding (1.75%)
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Abstract (Original Language):
Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac›, mide rezeksiyonlu hastalar›m›z›n endoskopik bulgular›n› inceleyerek reflü, ülser ve
malignite s›kl›¤›n› tesbit etmekti.
Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çal›flmada Nisan 1998, Temmuz 2005 tarihleri aras›nda hastanemiz ‹ç Hastal›klar› Endoskopi
Ünitesinde yap›lm›fl olan gastroskopik incelemelerden, opere mide tesbit edilen 168 vakan›n endoskopik bulgular›
retrospektif olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: 168 hastan›n 131’i erkek, 37’si kad›n; yafl ortalamas› 57; yafl da¤›l›m› 30-85 idi. Vakalar›n endoskopik
bulgular›n›n dökümü afla¤›daki gibi idi: 77 vaka (%45,8) alkalen reflü gastrit, 58 (%34,5) gastrit, 13 (%7,8) anastomoz
ülseri, 4 (%2,4) malignite ve bir vaka (%0,58) polip.
Sonuç: De¤erlendirmemizde en s›k rastlad›¤›m›z endoskopik bulgu alkalen reflü gastrit oldu. Mide rezeksiyonlu
hastalarda malignite geliflme oran›n›n %2,4 oldu¤u ve bu de¤erin tüm gastroskopi sonuçlar›m›z› de¤erlendirdi¤imizde
elde etti¤imiz orandan (%1,75) yüksek oldu¤u sonucuna ulafl›ld›.
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