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Aim: In this report, we investigated the presenting clinical features, therapy indications, clinical follow-up and treatment results of the 162 patients with chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). Material and methods: The cases that were followed-up in our outpatient clinic between years 1972 to 2003 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: A hundred and twenty-two of the patients were female, 40 of them were male and their age distribution was between 12 and 84 years (median: 35 years). Prednisolone (1mg/kg) was the first line treatment option in 138 of the patients; 24 of them was followed-up without any treatment. Complete response was achieved in 64 (46,3 %) of the patients. Platelet counts decreased to the beginning level in 26 of the complete responders when the PRD doses were decreased. Eleven of the complete responders showed relapse in between 6 months to 4 years. Platelet counts were found in the range of 5.000/mm3 to 125.000/mm3 in the patients who did not get complete response. There was not any serious bleeding problem other than bruising in none of the patients including those who had severe trombocytopenia. None of our patients died because of bleeding complication during the follow-up period. Conclusion: ITPis an autoimmune disorder characterized by muco-cutaneous bleeding. The pathogenesis of ITP is presumed to be related to platelet destruction via specific auto-antibodies. Bleeding signs and symptoms of the patients with ITP are not always obvious and not as severe as in bone marrow failure syndromes. Cytotoxic agents shouldn’t be used if they are not really necessary and the patients’ symptoms should be tried to be treated, not the thrombocytopenia itself.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Bu çal›flmada 162 eriflkin kronik idiyopatik trombositopenik purpura (‹TP)’l› hastan›n tan› s›ras›ndaki özelliklerini, tedavi endikasyonlar›n›, klinik seyir ve tedavi sonuçlar›n› araflt›rd›k. Gereç ve yöntem: 1972-2003 y›llar› aras›nda poliklini¤imize baflvuran ve gözlem alt›na al›nan olgular retrospektif olarak de¤erlendirildi. Bulgular: Yafllar› 12 ile 84 yafl aras›nda (ortanca: 35 yafl) de¤iflen hastalar›n 122’ si kad›n 40’ › erkek idi (K/E: 3,0). Prednizolon (1mg/kg) 138 olguda ilk tedavi seçene¤i olarak kullan›ld›; 24 olgu tedavisiz olarak takip edildi. Olgular›n 64’ünde (% 46,3) tam yan›t saptand›. Bu olgular›n 26’s›nda PRD dozunun azalt›lmas›yla trombositler iki ay içinde tekrar eski haline geriledi. Tam yan›t sa¤lanan hastalar›n 11’inde 6 ay ile 4 y›l içinde nüks geliflti¤i görülmüfltür. Tam yan› t›n sa¤lanamad›¤› olgularda son trombosit de¤erleri 5.000 ile 125.000/m3 aras›nda (ortanca: 51.000/m3) bulundu. A¤›r trombositopenisi (<10.000/mm3) olan olgular dahil (10 olgu) hastalar›m›z›n hiç birinde cilt kanamalar› d›fl›nda ciddi kanama sorunu gözlenmedi. Bu süre içinde ‹TP’ye ba¤l› kanamalar nedeniyle kaybedilen olgumuz olmad›. Sonuç: ‹TP genellikle deri ve mukoza kanamalar›yla kendini gösteren otoimmun bir hastal›kt›r. Hastal›¤›n patogenezinde trombositlere karfl› oluflan otoantikorlar›n etkisiyle trombositlerde y›k›m kusuru sorumlu tutulur. Kanamalar kemik ili¤i yetersizli¤ine ba¤l› hastal›klarda oldu¤u gibi a¤›r de¤ildir. Bu nedenle özellikle sitotoksik ajanlar› çok gerekmedikçe kullanmamal›, trombositopeninin kendisi de¤il hastalar›n semptomlar› tedavi edilmeye çal›fl›lmal›d›r.



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