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- İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate of the frequency of anti-thyroid antibodies, thyroid fuctions and
their relation to disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Materials and methods: Thirty-seven (female/male: 32/5) newly diagnosed patients with RA and 23 (female/male:
19/4) healthy controls were included in the study. All the patients fulfilled 1987 ACR criteria. None of the patients
in the study or control group had a history of thyroid disease, thyroidectomy or drug use related to thyroid.Physical examination of the thyroid was performed in all the patients in addition to DAS28 score calculation. Levels
of TSH, fT3, fT4, tT3, tT4, antithyroglobulin antibodies (ATA), antimicrosomal antibodies (AMA), ANA,
ESR, CRP were deterimed in all the patients.
Results: The mean age of the patients with RA and the controls was 51.4 ± 11.8 (21-75) years and 40.9 ± 13.8 (20-
73), respectively. The mean duration of disease in the RA group was 11.0 ± 9.7 (1-45) years. The rheumatoid factor
was positive in 24 patients (67 %). Although in the normal range, the thyroid-stimulating hormone was significantly
lower in patients with RA than that in the controls (1.1±0.9 mIU/ml and 1.6±1.0 mIU/ml, respectively,
p<0.05). In 5 patients with RA (%13), the TSH level was below the lower limit of the normal range. In the RA group,
the levels of free T3(fT3), free T4(fT4), total T3(tT3) and total T4 (tT4) were 3.3±0.7 pg/ml, 2.6±4.0 ng/dl,
97.8±40.7 ng/dl and 8.9±1.8 mg/dl, respectively; there was no significant difference in their levels between the two
groups. The mean eryhtrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was 39.2 ± 31.5 mm/h (3-120) in the RA group; there was
no correlation between ESR and TSH, fT3, FT+, fT4, and tT4. To evaluate disease activity, DAS28 score was calculated,
which was 4.5 ± 1.4 (1.5-7.1; median 4.7) in the RA group. DAS28 score correlated only with tT3
(p<0.05). Antithyroglobulin antibody (ATA) and antimicrosomal antibody (AMA) were analysed in 30 patients
with RA and in all controls. ATAwas found to be positive in 5 patients with RA (16.6%) and in all controls (13%)
which did not differ significantly between the two groups. AMAwas positive in 6 patients (20%) with RA and in
2 controls (8.6%) without statistical difference. Antinuclear antibodies could be detected in none of the individuals
in the RA and control group.
Conclusion: Positivity for autoantibodies and thyroid function alterations may be observed in RA which may be
related to disease activity. The thyroid dysfunction associated with RA is usually seen in the form of non-thyroidal
illness syndrome or subclinical hyperthyroidism. Therefore we suggest that thyroid function should be evaluated
carefully in patients with RA, and thyroid hormon levels should be monitored regularly during follow up.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac›; Romatoid artrit (RA)’li hastalarda anti-tiroid antikor s›kl›¤›n›n saptanmas›, tiroid
fonksiyonlar›n›n de¤erlendirilmesi ve hastal›k aktivitesi ile iliflkisinin araflt›r›lmas›.
Gereç ve yöntem: Romatoloji Poliklini¤i’ne ilk kez baflvuran ve 1987 ACR s›n›fland›rma kriterlerine göre RA tan›
s› konulan 37 hasta (K/E:32/5) ile 23 sa¤l›kl› kontrol (K/E:19/4) çal›flmaya al›nd›. Hastalar›n ve kontrollerin hiçbirinde
tiroid hastal›¤›, tiroid operasyonu hikayesi yoktu ve tiroid fonksiyonlar›n› etkileyecek bir ilaç kullanm›yorlard›.
Tüm hastalara tiroid muayenesi yap›ld› ve DAS28 skoru hesapland›; TSH, sT3, sT4, tT3, tT4, antitiroglobulin
antikoru (ATA) ve antimikrozomal antikor (AMA), ANA, ESH, CRP bak›ld›.
Bulgular: RA’l› hastalarda ortalama yafl 51,4±11,8 (21-75 aras›), ortalama hastal›k süresi 11,0±9,7 y›l (1-45) iken
sa¤l›kl› kontollerde ortalama yafl 40,9±13,8 (20-73 aras›) bulundu. Hastalar›n 24’ünde (%67) RF pozitif idi. TSH
düzeyleri RA grubunda kontrollere göre anlaml› olarak daha düflüktü fakat normal s›n›rlar içindeydi (s›ras›yla
1,1±0,9 mIU/ml ve 1,6±1,0 mIU/ml, p<0.05). RA’l› hastalar›n 5’inde (%13) TSH düzeyleri normalin alt›nda idi.
RA’l› hastalarda serbest T3 (sT3), serbest T4 (sT4), total T3 (tT3) ve total T4 (tT4) düzeyleri s›ras›yla 3,3±0,7 pg/ml,
2,6±4,0 ng/dl, 97.8±40.7 ng/dl ve 8,9±1,8 mg/dl olarak bulundu; kontrol grubuyla karfl›laflt›r›ld›¤›nda aradaki fark
istatistiki olarak anlaml› de¤ildi. RA grubunda ESH ortalama 39,2±31,5 mm/s (3-120 aras›) olup ESH düzeyleri ile
TSH, sT3, sT4, tT3, tT4 de¤erleri aras›nda korelasyon saptanmad›. Hastal›k aktivitesini de¤erlendirmek için
DAS28 skoru hesapland›. DAS28 skoru ortalama 4,5±1,4 (1,5-7,1 aras›, medyan 4,7) bulundu. DAS28 skoru ile
sadece tT3 de¤erleri aras›nda korelasyon saptand› (p<0,05). ATA, RA ve kontrol grubunda s›ras›yla 5 (%16,6) ve
3 (%13) olguda pozitif olup aradaki fark anlaml› de¤ildi. RA grubunda 6 (%20) ve kontrol grubunda 2 (%8,6) olguda
AMA pozitif bulundu; aradaki fark anlaml› de¤ildi. Hasta ve kontrollerin hiçbirinde ANA pozitifli¤i saptanmad›.
Sonuç: RA’da tiroid fonksiyon testlerinde de¤ifliklikler ve otoantikor pozitiflikleri görülebilmektedir ve bu durum
hastal›k aktivitesi ile iliflkili olabilmektedir. RA’da tiroid disfonksiyonu genellikle nontiroidal hastal›k sendromu ve
subklinik hipertiroidi fleklinde görülmektedir. Bu nedenle, RA’l› hastalarda tiroid disfonksiyonu aç›s›ndan dikkatli
olunmas› ve belli aral›klarla hormon düzeylerinin kontrol edilmesi uygun olacakt›r.
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