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Abstract (2. Language): 
The case we present here is one of “folie a deux” that developed in a 35-year-old, unmarried woman who has been in a long-term dependent and passive relation with a man manifesting a psychotic syndrome. She was examined as a result of a consultation request after having been admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the university hospital with a pre-diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease. The symptoms reported were severe fatigue, joint pain, neck pain and edema in nose and throat resulting from an infection that had spread and progressed in our patient two years earlier. We diagnosed her with “folie a deux” and, so as to be able to conduct psychiatric treatment, recommended that she be separated from her partner and admitted to the psychiatric clinic. The couple, however, refused to be separated from one another. The following morning, the day nurse realized that the patient and her partner had left the hospital without paying their bill, which required that an official report be kept.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Burada, psikotik tablosu olan bir erkekle uzun süredir pasif ve ba¤›ml› bir iliflki içinde olan 35 yafl›ndaki bekar bir kad›nda geliflen “folie a deux” olgusunu sunuyoruz. Hasta, pelvik inflamatuar hastal›k ön tan›s›yla üniversite hastanesinde kad›n hastal›klar› ve do¤um klini¤ine yat›r›ld›ktan sonra istenen konsultasyon sonucunda de¤erlendirildi. Hastam›z, iki y›l önce bafllay›p yay›lan bir enfeksiyon sonucunda ciddi yorgunluk, eklem a¤r›s›, boyun a¤r›s› ve burnuyla bo¤az›nda ödem semptomlar›n›n oldu¤unu belirtiyordu. Hastaya “folie a deux” tan›s› koyduk ve psikiyatrik tedavisi için partnerinden ayr› olarak psikiyatri klini¤ine yat›fl›n› önerdik. Bununla birlikte, çift, birbirlerinden ayr› kalmay› kabul etmedi. Ertesi sabah, gündüz hemfliresi hastan›n ve partnerinin tutanak tutulmas›n› gerektirir flekilde hastane ücretini ödemeden hastaneden ayr›lm›fl olduklar›n› farketti.



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