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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: The tumor stage, Gleason score and PSA level are known as very important parameters in the prediction of prognosis of prostate cancer. We evaluated the value of these prognostic factors in the prediction of the prognosis of prostate cancer. Materials and methods: Between February 2001 and 2008, 121 patients (36-75 yrs) who underwent radical prostatectomy due to clinically localised prostate cancer were included in the study. The demographic characteristics of the patients in addition to serum PSA level and the Gleason scores both in the neddle biopsy of the prostate and radical prostatectomy specimen were evaluated. Results: Mean PSA level and Gleason score before the operation was 9.8 ng/ml and 6.20 (4-9), respectively. Mean Gleason score of prostatectomy specimens was 6.48 (5-10). While the Gleason scores of prostatectomy and TRUS guided prostate biospy were same in 70 (%57.8) patients, there was at least 1 point difference between the Gleason scores in others. Conclusion: As a conclusion, the Gleason score of biopsy specimen was found to be different from that of radical prostatectomy specimen in almost half of the patients
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Prostat kanserinin seyrinin öngörülebilmesi için tümör evresi, Gleason skoru ve serum PSA düzeyi gibi prognostik faktörlerin bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Serum PSA düzeyi ve biyopsi Gleason skorunun radikal prostatektomi patolojisini öngörmedeki de¤erini araflt›rd›k. Gereç ve yöntem: fiubat 2001 ile 2008 tarihleri aras›nda transrektal ultrasonografi (TRUS) eflli¤inde yap›lan i¤ne biyopsisi ile klinik olarak lokalize prostat kanseri tan›s› konulan ve radikal prostatektomi operasyonu uygulanan 121 hasta (36-75) çal›flmaya dahil edildi. Tüm hastalar›n demografik özellikleri ile beraber operasyon öncesi serum total PSA düzeyleri ile preoperatif ve postoperatif Gleason skorlar› retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Tan› s›ras›ndaki ortalama PSA düzeyi 9,8 ng/ml ve i¤ne biyopsisi spesimenlerinin ortalama Gleason skoru 6,20 (4-9) olan hastalar›n radikal prostatektomi sonras› spesimenlerin ortalama Gleason skoru 6,48 (5-10) olarak bulundu. 70 hastada (%57,8) i¤ne biyopsisindeki Gleason skoru, radikal prostatektomi spesimenindeki Gleason skoru ile eflit bulunurken, geri kalan hastalarda preoperatif ve postoperatif Gleason skorlar› aras›nda en az 1 fark bulundu. Sonuç: Hastalar›n yar›s›na yak›n k›sm›nda i¤ne biyopsisinin Gleason skoru, radikal prostatektomi Gleason skorundan farkl› bulunmufltur. Bu da i¤ne biopsisi sonucunun, ameliyat spesimenindeki skoru öngörmede yetersiz kald›- ¤›n› düflündürmektedir.



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