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Abstract (2. Language): 
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) rarely causes atrioventricular (AV) conduction disorders in adults including first- and second-degree bundle branch blocks and complete heart block. This report will present a case of seconddegree AV block with anti-RNP and anti-Ro antibodies, an early sign of SLE, which improved with a standard dose of steroids. A fifty-nine-year-old woman presented with tiredness lasting for about one month. History did not reveal any cardiac illness. She was a non-smoker. On physical examination, she had a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg, a rhythmic cardiac pulse of 62/min and a rhythmic radial pulse of 62/min. She had malar rash and oral aphthae. Cardiac oscultation did not reveal a cardiac murmur. Electrocardiography (ECG) showed Mobitz type I block, a second degree AV block. Antinuclear antibodies (1/1000) were in granular shape and anti-Sm and anti-Ro antibodies were positive. Anti-RNP antibodies (1/600) were also positive. The diagnosis of SLE was based on oral aphthae, malar rash, proteinuria and ANApositivity. Methyl prednison 1mg/kg was instituted. The patient noted that her fatigue subsided on the fifth day of the treatment and her ECG was normal. Although anti-Ro and anti-RNP antibodies are known to be positive in neonates with AV block, adults with anti-Ro and anti-RNP positivity should also be followed carefully for heart blocks.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Dal bloklar›, birinci, ikinci derece ve tam kalp blo¤unu içeren atriyoventriküler (AV) iletim bozuklu¤u, eriflkin sistemik lupus eritematozusta (SLE) nadiren görülür. Burada standart doz steroid ile düzelen SLE erken bulgusu olarak de¤erlendirdi¤imiz, Anti RNP, Anti-Ro antikorlar› pozitif 2. derece AV bloklu hastay› sunuyoruz. Ellidokuz yafl›nda bayan yaklafl›k 1 ayd›r olan yorgunluk yak›nmas› ile baflvurdu. Soy ve özgeçmiflinde kardiyak hastal›k dahil özellik tariflemiyordu. Sigara içmiyordu. Muayenesinde kan bas›nc› 120/80 mmHg, kardiyak nab›z 62/dk ritmik, radiyal nabz› 62/dk ritmik idi. Malar rash, oral aftlar› vard›. Kalp oskültasyonunda üfürüm duyulmad›. Elektrokardiyografisinde (EKG) 2. derece atriyoventriküler Mobitz tip 1 blok tespit edildi. Antinükleer antikor 1/1000 granüler paternde, anti Sm, Ro antikorlar› pozitif tespit edildi. Anti-RNP antikorlar› 1/600 oran›nda pozitifti. Oral aft, malar rash, proteinüri, ANApozitifli¤i ile SLE tan›s› kondu. Metil prednison 1mg/kg baflland›. Tedavinin 5 gününde yorgunlu¤u azalan hastan›n EKG’si normaldi. Özellikle neonatalde iyi bilindi¤i gibi anti-Ro, anti-RNP antikorlar› pozitif tespit edilen eriflkin hastalar kalp bloklar› aç›s›ndan takip edilmelidir.



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