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The Mathematical Modeling And The Structure of Six Transitions of DNA

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Knots, actually binding two ends of yarn together, are constituting one of the most important theories in the science of Mathematics. For about 75 years mathematicians are investigating how two end points can bind after passing through each other. After finding the model of one-transition, two-transition and three-transition, a short while ago the secrets of the model of the simple five-transition knot could be solved. The solution of this secret will not only be helpful to the science of Mathematics but probably also a great deal to the area of biology. The DNA molecules which make it possible that characteristics of personality pass from one generation to another are a six-transition knot. The geneticists are convinced that the changes in the form of knots lead to differentiation of the species. Scientists who solved the secrets of the five-transition knot emphasize that this will lead to inventions concerning the construction of DNA if secrets of the six-transition knot are found. After the solution of higher transition numbers of knots are found genetics as well as molecular chemistry will profit from the related applications.



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: Miliiyet, 23 April 1986

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