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Motion with contra field in Finsler spaces II

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Abstract (2. Language): 
An affine motion of special type in non-Riemannian K*-spaces was developed by Takano [6]* which he called an affine motion with contra field. Later on , the same concept was extended to Finsler spaces by Misra and Meher[2], The same authors [3] have discussed CA-motion in projective symmetric Finsler space.The present author and Gatoto[5] have studied projective motion in Finsler spaces. The object of the present paper is to define CA and CP motions in Finsler space Fn. The notations of Hiramatu[l] and Singh[4] are used in the sequel.



[1] I I.
Hiramatu : Group of nomothetic transformations in a Finsler space, Tensor (N.S), 3(1954), 131-143 .
a and F.M.Meher : On the existence of affine motion in a B[R - Fn .Indian J. Pure app.Math 3(1972), 219-225 .
a and F.M.Meher : CA-motion in a Sp-Fn .Indian J. Pure app.Math., 6(1975), 522-526.
h : On the curvature collineation in Finsler spaces II.Tensor (N.S),44(1987), 113-117.
h and. J.K.Gatoto : On projective motion in Finsler spaces II, Quaestiones Mathcmaticae ( accepted ).
o : Affme motion in non-Riemannian K*-sp.aces II, Tensor(N.S), 11 (1961), 137-143.
o : The theory of Lie-derivatives and its applications, North-Holland Publishing Co ..Amsterdam,(1957).

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