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An Historical Approach to the Development of Turkish Press and its Evaluation

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Abstract (2. Language): 
One of the right and possible ways of making an evaluation about the Turkish press is to consider its historical development. While we are doing that evaluation, beginning from the establishment of first printing house in Ottoman Empire is the most reasonable starting point of this process. First published newspapers in Ottoman Empire were in French in 1795 and 1796. On the other hand, Takvimi Vakayi, which was published in 1831, was the first Turkish newspaper of Ottoman Empire. Also Ceride-i Havadis, which was publish in 1840 by William Churchill, an Englishman in Ottoman Empire, was the first private Turkish newspaper. Beginning from that point the importance of press realised gradually, especially during the War of Crimea. Press and journalists were taken into a very strict control during the reign of Abdulhamid II. After the establishment of Turkish Republic in 1923 some regulations of press law was made. In 1950, Democrat Party came to power and a new press law came into force. In 1960, 1971 and 1980 military interventions took place in Turkey. After 1980 military government put pressure on Turkish journalists and newspapers. In 1990s a few Turkish media groups have a great effect on not only the economical life but also the political life and government because of their economical power



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