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Abstract (2. Language): 
This article analyses the approach of Turkish press to the military coups of 1960 and 1980, which were the important milestones in Turkish political history. The theoretical basis of this study is the authoritarian press theory. This normative theory suggests that under extraordinary conditions such as military coups the press behaves in a very restricted manner. The main hypothesis of this study is that the press takes a very supportive stand in news articles and editorials towards the coups. However, the author argues that the authoritarian press theory may help to explain the restrictions applied to the press and penalties given to journalists, it is not very helpful to explain the ardent support of the Turkish journalists towards both military coups. For this reason, the author suggests that in order to understand clearly the main reasons of Turkish journalists' applauses of military coups, it is necessary to look at how they position themselves in the modernization process of Turkey.



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