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The uniqe film in Turkey; That its censor was abolished by the President...

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Abstract (2. Language): 
It is a fact that censor was applied in every term of Turkish Cinema. Metin Erksan is one of the most important director in Turkey that the struggled against censor with his some very famous films. The most important one amoung them was "Yılanların Öcü" (Revenge of the snakes). This film was being censored by the Censor Committe in. 1961 according to concerning rule of the 1961 Constitution. This film was shown to the President Cemal Gürsel in Çankaya Köşkü {The Çankaya Palace) by director Metin Erksan and its Producer Nusret İkbaİ. President Cemal Gürsel liked this film very much and allowed it to show again as he abolis its censor. So this film was registered to the Turkish Cinema History as the uniqe film that it was permitted to show again by a president even though it was being censored by the Censor Committe.



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İLETİŞİM FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ/Cumhurbaşkanının İzniyle Sansürü Delen Film;
"Yılanların Öcü"
-ÖZÖN, Nijat; "Türk Sinema Kronolojisi 189 -1966", Bilgi Yayınları, Şubat 1968
-ÖZGÜÇ, Agah; "Türk Sinemasında İlkler", Yılmaz Yayınları, Aralık 1999, birinci basım
Ve Sinema, Hil Yayın, Aralık 1985 -REFİG, Haiit; "Ulusal Sinema Kavgası", Hareket Yayınları, Ekim 1971, birinci basım
-ELMAS, Orhan; "Yılanların Öcü Üzerine", Sinema Dergisi, 7 Mart 1962, Cilt 3
-ÖZGÜÇ, Agah; "Yüz Fiimde Türk Sineması", Bilgi Yayınları -Sinema Dergisi, "Yılanların Öcü ve Ankara Olayları" 2 Mayıs 1962, Cilt 4, Sayı 77
-AKERSON, Tanju; "Yılanların Öcü", Film Ayiık Sinema Dergisi, Kulüp Sinema 7 Yayınları, Aralık 1964, Sayı 1 -SCOGNAMILLO, Giovanni; Akşam Gazetesi, 21 Nisan 1962

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