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Modernising Government: information age government / e -government (Part One)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Rethinking how the government services, is an important study field at last decades. The information age revolution has already brought huge changes to both manufacturing and service industries all over the world. It has driven costs, brought suppliers closer to customers and made them more responsive to their needs. Because of this changes, public needs to have new strategy to service citizen-customers. The experts improve new strategies for Information Age government. One of the improving strategies is e-government. It focuses on better services for citizens and business and more effective use of the government's information resources, implementing it will create an environment for the transformation of government activies by the application of e-business methods throughout the public sector. The strategy challenges all public sector organisations to innovate, and it challenges the centre of government to provide the common infrastructure which is needed to achive these goals. Electronic government requires a regulatory and public policy environment that is conductive to electronic commerce, protection of rights, and an enabling legal framework for the digital transformation of government operations, e-govemment has four guiding principles (Cabinet Office 2000:1) • building services around citizens' choices, • making government and its services more accessible, • social inclusion, • using information better.



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