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Setting Quality Culture As a Corporation Philosophy: Public Relations Approach

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Quality which enables the efficient use of resources, adds usage convenience to products and services, underlines the importance of production and service understanding in line with customer necessities, and thus is considered as a performance dimension in developing social corporate responsibility has been indispensable for many organizations and constitued the basics of total quality management practices. Through the acceleration of competition on a global scale, corporations are forced to increase their quality and efficiency and adopt quality not only as a management technique but also as a management philosophy İn order to survive and seize competitive advantage through that tough competition. However, if is not thai easy to adopt quality as a management philosophy and gain positive outcomes from total quality management practices. First of all it is important to adapt personnel to quality values, encourage them to develop these values in any sense, and to establish the necessary cultural infrastructure appropriate for quality culture. In other words, in order to set quality philosophy within corporation, personnel first of all should understand the values that quality takes upon itself, adopt themselves to these values and bring them into practice, ans also implement activities zohich will develop quality. On the other hand, the existing culture within the corporation should support all these developments. Briefly, it is important to create a quality culture if it is to mention a quality philosophy within a corporation. At that point, public relations management which has a leading role in communicating values and belief system to personnel, creating a healthy communication climate in order to deliver quality practices and share the results of these practices and obtaining the necessary co-operation and bilateral understanding between customers, management and personnel in order to develop quality takes over important responsibilities. Actually public relations seems to be one of the most important functions in creating quality culture, going success from quality practices and setting quality as a management philosophy



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