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Tranvfortnation İn Tft4 Turkish Media After 1990i utul New Discourse

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Abstract (2. Language): 
An evolution of Turkish media after I390's requires to question the change that mured after 1980s. T)ie ncto transformation in the world results in the bringing out of some concepts such as neo-libet globalisation and modernisation. By this changes, tiie media ownership has also changed and classical ownership of the media has left its place to a different kind of owners which also act in different sectors. With the new technological transformation and the netv physical settlements the perception of classical journalism has left Us places to a new generation of journalists. In this new structure, media became an important power and by this tranfbrmarian the consumers of its products also changed . Discourse of the media texts generally started to appear in a liberal-conservative content. Media products brought out new values, new social roles and social idettlitics. Civil, westernized, modern and "good consumer" concept of individual started to be promoted. Women had hren chosen as the major transformer of this process ami the media products started to differanliatr around this concept.