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The Key to the Success in Relations; "Self-Confidence"

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Confidence and self-confidence are the concepts quite close to each other. Confidence is an aptitude ihat is acquired in time, whereas self-confidence is the sense of confidence that having such a skill brings about. Self-confidence is closely related to the relations established with the others. It is developed along with the people we are together and the experiences we have through our life. Therefore, Ihe experiences we have during childhood have a great importance for the formation of the basis of OUT self-confidence. Even if families encourage (heir children to trust themselves, in fact, children achieve to self-confidence by themselves. Tlie individuals who have managed to develop self-confidence get more successful in their private and work lives as welt as all their reintions. To some extent, it is ihe responsibility of Ihe administrators in the workplace not to shake the confidence of Ihe employees and to motivate them positively. Encouragement of the employees by the administrators can be achieved by approving, appreciating, encouraging and comforting them.



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