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Kamuoyunun medya aracılığıyla kontrolü çerçevesinde 19, YÜZYILDA MEDYA SİYASET İLİŞKİLERİNE BAKİŞ

A Glance at the Media-Politics Relations İn the Context of Control of Public Opinion through the Media

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Throughout history, there has İven a relationship between the persons or associations wlio govern and the elementscomposing the public opinion, either discreeetly or openly. Vie interest hi the subject of the fractions which aim to controle the public opinion inrrsead together with the developmmt of publication capabilities and the facilitating of the materials that help to siiape the public opinion in reaching more people. As the effect of the newspaper, radio and then the television increased in daily life, the control of the source of information became more importent for such groups. This is because, whenever "desicion centers" attempt to act, to make a neio desicion, the control over information appeals as an inextricable element of the national politics. In that case, the desicion centers are either canvassing to get the public support or looking for a way to procure their indeffence. Throughout history, this relationship sometimes brought about ethically unacceptable practices amtmg the journalists who are the main elements of the media sector and the pragmatist groups This article exemplifies the unethical dimension of the medar - politics relationship.