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Consciousness Created by the Media

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Today, the media is an industry concorttnut with capitalism along with its production factors (raw material, technology and labor power) and capabilities. Heing under the control of the dominant class, the media broadcast with respect to the interests and expectations of them. Moreover, the media functions ideologically and acts as the conveyor of the ideas of the dominant class; alternative ideas and the priorities of the dependent classes do not take place in such a system. Hence, the media functions as an intermediary for providing consciousness to the dependent classes in an erroneous vray. Tliere are two aspects of objectivity analyses in media texts, namely, cognitive and linguistic dimensions. In this process, it should be noted that similar to language, ideologies surround us and draw pre-schemes for the purpose of enabling us to evaluate ourselves and render meaning to our lives. Objectivity of the media in transferring messages as well as its being just a means appear to be quite impossible. The media uses the language strategically and language is the primary item of the factors that reshape the ideoiogieSr



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