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TÜRKİYE'DE TELEVİZYON REKLAMLARINDA DENETİM: Yasal Zorunluluklar. Özdenetim Kuralları vc Meslek Standartları

Current Corporate Social Responsibility Conaept inTurkeyCONTROL OVER TV COMMERCIALS in TURKEY Legal oblications. Rules for Self-Courtal, and Professional Standards

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Since TV commercials, which are inevitable facts of daily life and products of one of the leading sectors, which are wondered and talked about, liked, and criticisized the most, first appeared, they have been receiving continuous negative and positive critiques from individuals due to tlicir economic, social, cultural, and psychological effects. They are one of the issues that must be treated seriously from a number of points of view: Wlwlher they are true in content and form, whether they are creative and effective, whether they obey the rules of self-control and legal obligations, whether they are consistent with professional standards, whether they are controlled ethically on not. Advertising an TV is a complex sector under the greatest influence of technological, economical, cultural, and social developments and changes experienced today. It involves some self-control and legal regulations concerning the principles of creativity, distribution, management, international relations, administration, marketing, finance, law, art, education, human resources, production and broadcasting. In the whole world as well as in Turkey. TV commercials arc inspected by Advertisement Self-Control Boards on the basis of creation, production, truthfulness in the process of production and broadcast, impartiality, use of suitable language, religion, violence, sexuality, bad habits, inclusion of children, secrecy, politics, law, health, copy-right, and ethnic problems. Therefore, ethics, self^Ontrol are Pilremely important in all the procedures taking place in TV commercials, from creation to introduction of them to public. The aim of this study is to open to debate the problems experienced in process of creation, production, and broadcast of TV commercials in Turkey, and the national and international of TV commercials in Turkey, and the national and international prohibitions, limitations, standards, principles of the profession and broadcast, and the rules for self-control.



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