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90’lı Yılların İtalya’sında ‘İkincil Gerçeklik’lerin Yazıdaki Özgün Yeniden Üretimleri: Aldo Nove, Enrico Brizzi

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper aims to investigate the multilateral ties established among the literary practices and the universe of the images and signs which are produced and reproduced by the contemporary mass-media during the era of 1990’s Italy. Within this scope, selected works of two young writers of the generation of the new italian narrative of the 90’s that made their debut works, Aldo Nove (1967 - ) and Enrico Brizzi (1974 - ) will be analized. Accordingly, selected text passages from Aldo Nove’s micro story book Superwoobinda (1998) and Enrico Brizzi’s adult/adolescent novel Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo will be analized under the guide of following question: How are the audio-visual media products, which fundamentally are not based on script, functionalized, in both thematic and structural planes through literary texts, also reflective forms of perceptions and ways of life of our multi-medial era.