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İstanbul Türk Yahudi Cemaati Tiyatrosu: Geçmişten Günümüze Gelişimi (1860-2008)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study aims to explore the modern Sephardic theater in Istanbul which was gradually developed in the mid 18th century containing elements of traditional Ottoman theatre and later on with the decadence of the Ottoman Empire, which gave birth to the Turkish Republic, was subjected to a great change from the 19th century until the 20th under the influence of modernity - as we regard it today- of Europe. The study also attempts to search the roots of the Sephardic people back to the exiled country, as to understand the reflection of their settlement and exile in/from Spain due to Inquisition on their lives, the formation of ladino (or judeoespañol) and the creation of forms of literature focusing on theatre in Istanbul. The study will also try to reflect the 21st century Jewish Community of Istanbul’s theatre in accordance with its history both thematically and its function thus restoring another piece of puzzle to its place.



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